Certifications will have a three-year expiration

  • Update: 16/10/2022

PeopleCert has confirmed that all of your ITIL Foundation and PRINCE2 Foundation certifications will have a three-year expiration starting on 1/1/2023. This means, for example, that your ITIL Foundation and/or PRINCE2 Foundation certification earned before 1/1/2020 will expire on January 1 of next year, even though it says on your certificate that the certification has no expiration date...your certification will be removed from the public list (Axelos Successful Candidate Register).
To renew your certification you have four options:

  1. DISTRACTER option, retake the exam (beware shortly voucher costs will increase by about 10%)
  2. THIRD BEST option, obtain a higher-level certification; this extends the validity of lower-level ones
  3. SECOND BEST option, register on the MyAxelos portal (for a fee) and document CPDs
  4. CORRECT ANSWER as of Jan. 1'23 buy your ITIL and PRINCE2 courses and exams directly, without intermediaries, from Examsimul.com (training centre for BITIL.COM) which reimburses you the full annual fee for My Axelos, so the effect of these changes will be zeroed out :) 

Source: Peoplecert

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