PM² is a project management lightweight methodology

  • Update: 17/03/2023

PM² is a project management lightweight methodology that has only a few rules and practices, or only ones that are easy to follow. In contrast with a "heavyweight methodology" complex method with many rules...For example, the project manager of a project that is based on the heavyweight methodology won’t agree to build the solution until the full requirements have been determined, and so it continues for each project phase. The immediate difference between PM² and older methods is that lightweight methodologies are much less document oriented.

Here are some of the advantages of PM² method:

  • They are people oriented rather than process oriented.
  • They tend to work with people rather than against them.
  • They are complemented by the use of dynamic checklists.
  • The project teams are smaller.
  • They rely on working in a team environment.
  • They foster knowledge sharing.
  • Feedback is almost instantaneous.

The project manager doesn’t need to develop “heavy” project documentation but instead is able to focus on the absolute necessary documentation (e.g., the project handbook).

Author: Claudio Restaino

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